This morning I decided to take a break from wine here on the blog. Something too magical in my life has happened to go left ignored. And where else to discuss it but here on my blog. Yesterday I used my birthday money to go out and purchase "Guitar Hero: World Tour." For the uninitiated, "Guitar Hero" itself is basically a video game that allows you to be the lead guitarist on some of your favorite songs of all time. "World Tour" adds the drums and a microphone to the mix, allowing you to truly rock. And rock I did last night.
In all aspects of the game, "World Tour" is a significant upgrade from previous editions of "Hero." Let's start with the guitar itself. While our older guitars are compatible with the game, I bought the bundle with the drums and mic, and therefore had to get the new guitar. It's heavier than the others and quite a bit larger. It just feels better in your hands. The strum bar is larger and requires a bit more force to flick. There is also a star power button if you don't feel the urge to throw the guitar in the air and jam like White Snake.
The drum kit is a totally new experience for me. While practice, practice, and practice helped me master the guitar, I may need some divine intervention to be a good drummer. I simply don't have the rhythm and timing needed to perform well, yet. The drums consist of three basic pads, two cymbal pads, and a bass drum pedal. It's extremely fun to try and drum, but I just don't have the talent for it, hopefully someone in our group friends will step up to the plate and become our star drummer.
The microphone, that's where the fun is it. Katie, who was extremely sick on the couch, wanted some cheering up and kept begging me to put down the guitar and belt out a few tunes. For those of you who don't know me that well, I am extremely self-conscious, and the idea of singing in front of other people freaks me out (even my wife). So after a beer or two I was ready to pick up the mic and go for it. I started on Easy, which requires you to sing the words at the right time in the right pitch. Well, after surviving a few songs, I realized I could switch it to Beginner, where all that matters is the timing. After that, I kept singing (with the help of a few more beers) well into the night. There is something truly fantastic about getting to sing "Rebel Yell" with Billy Idol. Which incidentally, I plan on being Billy Idol next year for Halloween.
The track list for the game is also a huge plus. If you don't buy the whole kit, at least get the disc. Here's a sample of how great: "Today" by Smashing Pumpkins, "Livin' On a Prayer" by Bon Jovi, "Dammit" by Blink-182, "The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World, and "Up Around the Bend" by CCR. Did I mention you can create your own character instead of just using the stock ones? Just a fabulous game, and we can't wait to have everyone over to have the true experience. Till next time..."And the county judge, who held a grudge, Will search for evermore, For the band on the run."--Paul McCartney
Happy New Year!
10 years ago
How long before you sing in front of us? How many beers will that require? We can pool our money and buy enough, I think...
Depends on the song, kind of like name that tune..."I can get John to sing that in three beers." Seriously, I have no shame, I'll do it whenever you wish.
Junk Trap has been DYING to try the drums since he is a drummer at heart and his mean wife won't let him set up his drumset in the house. I think we have a drummer for our band. And as much as I would like to sing, I think I will be relegated to guitar. let's face it, I DO rock the most.
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